A variety of different groups meet at the garden on a regular basis and welcome new members. Please contact the groups directly for further information, not the garden. If you can’t see the right group for you, why not start your own? We’re always pleased to welcome new group bookings as well as bookings for one off events. Contact the co-ordinator at barrackslanegarden@yahoo.co.uk to discuss your ideas.
Name It Young People’s Project
Delivering informal educational activities: including games, sports, arts & crafts, cooking and workshops for ages 7 -18 years. To register please email: nafeesayouthworker@gmail.com or call Nafeesa on 07388478408
Meet: Saturday’s
Drop In? Yes just turn up.
Garden Singing
Come and sing with us in the garden and get a serotonin boost! (don’t worry, we will sing in the cabin if it is raining or cold!). The singing sessions are led by either Holly Taylor-Zuntz or Emily Marshall.
This group is open to all. You don’t need to be an experienced singer and you don’t need to book. Just turn up!
For the rest of 2023 the group will meet 11am – 1pm on the following Sundays
17th September
- 22nd October
- 19th November
- 10th December (festive special!)
For the singing sessions in 2024 we are asking for £5 donation per session or what you can afford.
Recovery Dharma Oxford
Recovery Dharma is a peer-led meeting that believes each of us can recover and find freedom from the suffering of addiction. We believe that recovery means personal empowerment which we find through mutual support and self-inquiry. Our programme uses buddhist principles such as meditation, mindfulness, forgiveness and community as tools for recovery and healing, though there is no belief in Buddha required. All are welcome. This is not a programme based in dogma or religion, but in finding the truth for ourselves, the word ‘Dharma’ literally means truth. It’s fully compatible with other spiritual paths and programmes of recovery. We invite you to investigate these practices and see if they have value in your personal recovery. Our meditations are all guided and no previous experience is necessary.
We welcome anyone interested in recovery from addiction of all kinds. This is an approach that understands: ‘All beings have the power and the potential to free themselves from suffering’
‘Ours is a programme that asks us to never stop growing. It asks us to own our choices and be responsible for our own healing, wherever we are on our path. It’s based on kindness, generosity and deep compassion. We do not rely on tools of shame and fear as motivation.’
For more information, visit RecoveryDharma.org, recoverydharma.co.uk or social media groups, eg, facebook: Recovery Dharma Oxford, Recovery Dharma etc, twitter, reddit or faekaruna@gmail.com
Meet: THURSDAYS, 7.30-9pm
Drop In? Yes just turn up.

- Would you like to host your own group at the Garden? Go to the Booking the Garden page for details.
- Can’t see the right group for you? Why not start your own! Contact us to discuss your ideas.
- Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/BarracksLaneCommunityGarden